IPHH news


Did you know? PHP versions become deprecated just like content management systems. So, what is the status of your website? Especially the websites that run on our CustWeb servers?

Our CustWeb servers include the software Apache as well as PHP and MySQL or MariaDB. The PHP version will be activated and defined for the ordered web server on request and as far as it is still supported. PHP is subject to constant updates and is provided for a support period provided by the PHP-Group (https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php). We see that customers sometimes find it very difficult to update older CMS versions. We see again and again that customers sometimes find it very difficult to update older versions or even neglect it completely.  We therefore provide you with additional PHP versions from the sury repository on request. The developer patched many of the security holes and makes them available to the community.

At this point we would like to point out several things:

1) The support from the sury project must not be accepted as a permanent solution. The goal must always be to actively use the current and supported PHP version from the PHP project. If your Website currently uses PHP version =< 7.3, you should quickly (if necessary together with your agency) deal with an update to PHP 8. This is a regularly recurring task and should always be kept in mind.

2) Should the support on the part of the Sury project be discontinued, IPHH will upgrade the PHP version active for you in the web server to the next supported version here at short notice. Depending on the status of the software you are using, this may lead to malfunctions of your web pages.

Please take this opportunity to talk to your web agency and have your website upgraded to PHP8.

We will be happy to assist you by phone and will also provide you with an appropriate development Environment (eg. php8.yourdomain.tld), if this is not already the case.

You can view the running PHP version used on your website in the IPHH customer portal.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.

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Internet Port Hamburg GmbH
A Portus Data Centers Company
Wendenstraße 408
20537 Hamburg

T : 040 37 49 19-0
F : 040 37 49 19-29
E : info@iphh.net

About IPHH

Internet Port Hamburg (IPHH) was founded in 1996. Our offer includes server hosting and housing, domain management and solutions and consulting for all IT topics. IPHH also offers profound support for Linux.


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