IPHH news

IPHH Operational Statement regarding COVID-19

Due to the current global situation with the Corona-related virus COVID-19 IPHH has taken several precautions to ensure that operations of our datacenters and networks can stay fully operational including all services.

These precautions include new internal rules and rules that apply to customers:

Any person that has returned from one of the high risk areas defined by the RKI (Robert Koch Institut) within the last 14 days may not enter any of the IPHH datacenter facilities. This list is updated daily and can be found here:

IPHH security staff reserve the right to measure the temperature of any person entering the facilities. If the body temperature is above 37,3C, the security staff is allowed to refuse access to the IPHH facilities.

Hand sanitizers will shortly be positioned on all datacenter entrances and security devices (fingerprint, card readers and pin pads) and engineers are required to use them on entering or leaving the facilities. IPHH continue to offer liquid soap and disposable towels at all restrooms.

Employees and staff members need to be aware of enhanced hygienic pratices.

Every person feeling unfit to work or any of the well-known symptoms is asked to leave the facilities as soon as possible and report to IPHH staff or the security desk explaining their observations.

Regarding internal organisation at IPHH we have taken measures to ensure IPHH datacenter services can be offered as usual and within SLA:

Physical separation of key staff at IPHH to ensure that all departments can stay sufficiently staffed in case of team member being infected. This includes possibilities for home office.

Internal awareness presentation for hygienic behaviour.

Please contact us at any time at support@iphh.net or by phone at +49 40 3749190 in case of any further questions or concerns.


IPHH will continue to closely monitor the situation and government recommendation and might adjust the rules above at any time.

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Internet Port Hamburg GmbH
A Portus Data Centers Company
Wendenstraße 408
20537 Hamburg

T : 040 37 49 19-0
F : 040 37 49 19-29
E : info@iphh.net

About IPHH

Internet Port Hamburg (IPHH) was founded in 1996. Our offer includes server hosting and housing, domain management and solutions and consulting for all IT topics. IPHH also offers profound support for Linux.


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